How to Use a Fan to Keep Mosquitoes Away

Whether you’re in your yard, a patio, or an indoor space, a fan can help you keep mosquitoes away. The power of a fan to repel mosquitoes is pretty impressive, but you need to know how to use one properly.

A fan can disperse carbon dioxide and other chemical cues to lure mosquitoes away. They can also attract beneficial insects like bumble bees, lady bugs, and soldier bugs.

But, a fan won’t just keep mosquitoes away, it can also keep humans cooler. This is especially true in the summer. When it’s hot, we sweat more. That sweat attracts mosquitoes, so keep yourself cool.

To keep mosquitoes away, you want to find a fan that has a high-speed setting. A high-speed fan will disperse air much better than a low-speed fan.

To get the most out of your fan, use it in combination with other mosquito repellents. For example, you can combine a citronella candle with an insect-repellant spray.

Another trick to keep mosquitoes away is to create an artificial breeze with a fan. The fan creates a high-speed breeze that mosquitoes can’t survive. In addition, the fan will disperse a spherical cloud of air, creating a drier environment for humans to live in.

The best ceiling fan to repel mosquitoes has a high-speed and an oscillatory setting. You can also try using a table fan.

A fan can be combined with other techniques to keep mosquitoes away, including sprays, netting, and screens. These will also help you stay cool, but a fan is probably the best solution.