How to Protect Yourself From Mosquitoes

Thousands of species of insects exist, and one of these is a mosquito. These tiny flying creatures can carry a number of diseases, such as malaria, West Nile Virus, and Zika. They can also transmit illnesses to other people through bites. If you get bitten by a mosquito, there are steps you can take to minimize the effects.

The best way to protect yourself from mosquitoes is to prevent them from biting you. You can do this by wearing light, loose clothing and storing objects under cover. You can also use an insect repellent regularly. While these actions won’t necessarily decrease your chances of getting bitten, they may decrease the severity of a bite.

There are two main types of mosquito attractants. The first type is heat and body odor. These are released through the body’s sweat and exhalation. Other attractants include carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and ammonia. These are produced by bacteria on the skin.

Depending on how much of these attractants are released, mosquitoes will seek out certain people. Scientists have found that 20% of the population attracts above average amounts of mosquitoes. This is why pregnant women, pregnant women with young children, and adults tend to get bitten more frequently than children.

Another study shows that dark-colored clothes make you more attractive to mosquitoes. This is because the darker color makes you more visible to the insects. You should wear light colors if you’re going to be outside at dusk or dawn.