How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites During the Day

Getting mosquito bites during the day can be very annoying. They can cause itching, swollen bumps on your skin, and even cause infections. Luckily, there are ways to reduce your risk of getting bitten.

The first thing you should do is try to avoid areas where mosquitoes live. You can do this by using screens over windows and doors. Also, you can wear light-colored protective clothing. Make sure you tuck your pants into your socks and button your collar.

You can also use an antihistamine cream to help with the itching. Several of these products are available over the counter. If your bites are severe, you may want to visit your healthcare provider.

Another way to help with the itching is to eat oatmeal. This food contains gluten and is an effective anti-itch agent. You can grind the oatmeal into fine powder and apply it to your bites. It can be applied three times a day to ease the itching.

Another effective method for getting relief from itching is to use an ice pack on your bite. This will provide temporary relief.

If you don’t have an ice pack, you can use an ointment such as Polysporin. You should also try to avoid scratching your bites. If you do scratch, you may enlarge the hole and increase the likelihood of infection.

You can also get relief from itching by using a cold cloth on the area. You can also apply a mixture of water and baking soda to your bites.