How Much Does Mosquito Buzz Cost?

Getting rid of mosquitoes can be expensive, but it is possible to find a cost-effective solution that works for your property. In general, the cost of treatment varies depending on the size of your yard, the type of insecticide used, and the severity of your infestation.

A one-time spray costs $100-$400, depending on the size of your yard and the number of breeding sites on your property. For larger areas, it may be necessary to schedule several treatments.

Mosquitoes breed in damp environments, and they are also prone to swarming in yards with tall grass and shrubbery. Adult mosquitoes carry disease, and they are known to be especially attracted to yards with standing water. Luckily, you can protect your family from the annoyance of these pests with all-natural options that are easy to find at home improvement stores.

If you want to use an all-natural product, you may pay a bit more. Typically, you can buy a bottle of mosquito repellent for $8-$10, or you can make your own using common oils such as citronella.

For more comprehensive solutions, you can hire a professional pest control company. The service provider will come to your home and inspect your property, assess the level of pests, and determine the best treatment method.

Some providers offer seasonal packages, which help you save money. You can have recurring treatment every three weeks for $70 to $100 per visit. You may also save money by signing up for an annual contract.