How Mosquitoes Can Affect Dogs

Getting bitten by mosquitoes can be uncomfortable for your pet. They may feel itching or even a raised welt on the skin. If you think your dog may have been bitten by a mosquito, you should take them to the vet to get checked out.

Mosquitoes can carry a variety of diseases, including West Nile virus, malaria, and Dengue virus. These diseases can be harmful to dogs and cause severe symptoms.

When your dog is bitten by a mosquito, it’s important to treat the bite in order to prevent infection. You can do this by scrubbing the affected area with soap and water and applying a topical antibacterial cream. If you find that your dog is itching frequently, it’s probably an allergic reaction to the bite. If your dog suffers from severe allergies, you may have to use a medication that isn’t available over the counter.

If you have a sensitive dog, it’s a good idea to limit your pet’s time outdoors. Swollen and itchy areas can affect your dog’s vision and breathing.

If you notice your dog is scratching at the bite, you should contact your veterinarian right away. The more mosquitoes that are around your pet, the higher their risk of getting a bite.

You can reduce your dog’s exposure to mosquitoes by using screens on your windows and doorways. You should also avoid areas where mosquitoes breed. Stagnant ponds and standing water are common breeding grounds.

Mosquitoes can carry heartworms, a parasite that can be very dangerous for your pet. If your dog is bitten by a mosquito, you should see a veterinarian for a blood test to determine if he or she has heartworm. If the veterinarian finds your dog has heartworm, you should treat the bite.