How Long Do Mosquitoes Stay in One Area?

Whether mosquitoes stay in one area or not depends on the type of mosquito and its environment. Some species prefer clean water, while others prefer stagnant water, marshes or swamps.

Female mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water. These eggs can survive freezing cold climates, and can even hatch out when the rain arrives.

Adult mosquitoes can live up to six months indoors. They also spend their winters in sheltered, protected areas. They can also hang around in large numbers, often during the late summer afternoons.

Female mosquitoes need a blood meal to lay eggs, so they set up breeding sites near humans and livestock. They can enter your home through any available entry point, including bathroom exhaust vents or broken window screens.

Several types of mosquitoes lay eggs on the surface of water. They also can be laid in containers, such as coffee cups and snail shells. These eggs can be found in all types of water habitats.

Mosquitoes are also attracted to plants like bromeliads, which create a prime breeding ground. Plants are a favorite of mosquitoes because they provide a dark, moist environment.

Most mosquitoes lay their eggs on the surface of water, though some species prefer to lay their eggs in containers. These eggs can survive freezing cold climates, so they are a good option for mosquitoes living in colder parts of the world.

The adult mosquitoes rest in tall grasses, or in hollow tree stumps, or in leaf litter. They can survive without feeding for up to six months.