How Does Lavender Resist Mosquitoes?

Whether you’re in the country or in the city, you’ll likely face annoying insects in the summer. Mosquitoes can be particularly bothersome, especially when you’re stuck indoors. Thankfully, there are a variety of natural ways to keep mosquitoes away. These include using lavender oil, which has an all-natural smell and is a good repellent for both humans and animals.

One of the most popular varieties of lavender is English lavender, which grows well in full sunlight. Its foliage is low growing and can be pruned back regularly to ensure it stays healthy. It also has a strong, perfume-like aroma.

Lavender is also a great natural option for warding off fleas and ticks. It’s anti-fungal properties make it effective at removing these insects.

While lavender is most often used as a houseplant, it is also available as an essential oil. You can mix it with other oils to create a repellent spray. Or you can just use it on your skin.

Linalool, a terpene alcohol found in lavender, is an effective mosquito deterrent. Studies have shown that diffusing linalool indoors repelled mosquitoes more effectively than citronella.

Another effective insect repellent is garlic. It has a potent odor and releases the scent through pores in the skin. You can also sprinkle it around your yard and in outdoor living spaces.

Other common options for repelling bugs are catnip and peppermint. Lemon balm is a herb in the mint family and can be grown in your yard.