How Do Mosquitoes Affect Rabbits?

Keeping your pet rabbit indoors and away from mosquitoes is the best way to avoid contracting a viral disease. These diseases can be fatal to rabbits. There are four main infectious diseases that affect pet rabbits.

Myxomatosis is a serious viral disease that affects rabbits. Infected rabbits will begin to have swollen eyes, inflamed noses and lips. They will also have high fevers. The disease usually kills rabbits within a couple weeks.

Myxomatosis can be spread by mosquitoes and biting insects. It can also be spread by human contact. If your rabbit is bitten by a mosquito, you should contact a veterinarian. They can provide more information on the disease.

Another viral disease is Pasteurella. This is easily transmitted between rabbits. All rabbits carry Pasteurella organisms. The disease can be easily passed between rabbits, especially in stressed situations.

These diseases can be prevented by keeping your pet rabbit indoors, keeping their environment free from stagnant water, and using insecticides. Some insecticides are toxic to rabbits. However, there are some insecticides that are safe for your rabbit.

Keeping your rabbit indoors during the warmer months of the year is an effective way to avoid mosquitoes. Also, you should keep your rabbit away from areas where there have been outbreaks of myxomatosis. You can also protect your rabbit from mosquitoes by putting screens on windows.

You can protect your rabbit from fleas by treating your environment with a prescription medication. You can also purchase an over-the-counter product such as Advantage or Revolution. The medication will kill fleas and prevent fur mites. However, Advantage does not provide protection from mosquitoes.