How Do Mosquitoes Affect Cats?

Depending on where you live, mosquitoes may or may not affect cats. Most animals are susceptible to mosquito bites. However, some cats may develop a hypersensitivity to mosquitoes. This condition can cause itching and lesions on the skin.

Aside from the itch, cats may experience inflammation, hair loss, and swollen lymph nodes. A few cats may even have a fever. The disease is usually self-limiting and goes away on its own. But if the reaction is severe, it may require veterinary treatment.

Mosquitoes are known to carry a variety of diseases, including heartworms and West Nile virus. Although these diseases are rarely fatal, they can cause breathing problems and collapsing.

If your cat is exhibiting signs of a reaction, seek immediate veterinary treatment. Your veterinarian may perform a blood test or biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. If it’s a severe reaction, your pet may require hospitalization or intensive care.

The bites usually occur on thin-furred areas of the body, like the nose or ears. Infections can occur after the bite and may result in skin ulcers. You can treat the inflammation with oral antihistamines. A veterinarian may also prescribe systemic steroids to control the inflammation.

Mosquitoes breed in standing water, like buckets, birdbaths, and kid pools. This is why you should clean these areas and change the water often. It is also a good idea to screen windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

If your cat shows signs of a bite, treat it immediately. The bites are most likely to be itchy. Apply an antibacterial cream to prevent infection. Your vet may also recommend keeping your cat indoors at dawn and dusk.