How Do Mosquito Hawks Eat Mosquitoes?

Despite being named as mosquito hawks, these flies are actually crane flies. They have long legs and skinny bodies. They are harmless and they do not bite humans. However, they do not eat mosquitoes as adults. Instead, they lay eggs on wet soil.

They are found in all parts of the world and they are the most common in humid areas. They also prefer wet areas where standing water exists. These areas include lawn fountains, flower beds and mulch beds. These areas need to be treated to avoid re-infestation.

Unlike the adult mosquitoes, the larvae of these flies mainly eat plants. They need a lot of sugar and loads of moisture to stay alive. They enjoy flying and can reach flowers with their wings.

The female mosquito hawk lays eggs on moist soil. These eggs hatch within a couple of days. The larvae then eat the mosquitoes. They will feed on grass seedlings and forage crops.

The adult mosquito hawks are very scary and they can be very harmful to your garden. They are especially common in the tropics. If you are in an area with a high amount of moisture, you may want to consider contacting a pest management company to help get rid of them.

The best way to control these mosquitoes is to avoid standing water and moisture-rich areas. It is possible to kill individual mosquitoes by using a mosquito swatter.

You should also look for natural predators of these flies. There are birds and skunks that will eat these insects. You can also try using a newspaper method to remove a small number of these flies.