How Can We Prevent Mosquitoes From Breeding?

Keeping mosquitoes and flies away from our yards is essential. Not only are these pests irritating, but they can transmit dangerous viruses. Some of the most common mosquito-borne illnesses include Dengue, Malaria, and Zika. The most effective way to control these pests is by preventing their breeding.

First, look around your yard and home. If you find standing water, such as pools, buckets, or bird baths, empty them out. You should also keep your garbage cans covered. This will prevent them from being filled with rainwater.

Second, inspect your gutters for leaks. You should clean them out every fall and in the spring. Clogged roof gutters can trap and hold water, and may even serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

If you have a cistern, drain it out when it’s not in use. It’s also a good idea to add a fine mesh screen over it. If you don’t have a cistern, you can use a trash can, an empty flower pot, or a water glass. You can fill them with sand or dirt to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

Another way to prevent mosquitoes from breeding is by removing clutter from your yard. Things like broken washing machines, junk cars, and hollow stumps can create hiding places for these insects. You should also remove trash piles around your home.

One of the most obvious mosquito breeding areas is a cup left out on the porch after a cookout. You can also check tree holes for drainage problems.