How Can I Prevent Mosquitoes From Biting Me?

Whether you’re looking for ways to prevent mosquitoes from biting you or you’re suffering from an infection due to a bite, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself safe.

Wear long pants and sleeves, especially when you’re outside in warm weather. If you’re in a mosquito-prone area, spray your skin with insect repellent. The best repellents are those with ingredients such as DEET, IR3535, or picaridin. These products are effective and are also safe for pregnant women.

You can also use screens to keep the mosquitoes out. These are available in a wide range of products. They are usually fine mesh and are designed to keep out bugs.

If you’re experiencing a serious mosquito bite, you should use bug spray. It will help to reduce your pain and itching.

You can also use a cold cloth over your bite. It will soothe the itching and will make the itchy welts go away in a couple of days.

Another way to prevent mosquitoes from biting you is to remove water sources that are standing. Empty birdbaths, pet dishes, and other objects that hold water. You can also clean drains and gutters.

You can also wear scents that are known to repel mosquitoes. You can wear natural plant oils, such as tea tree oil or citronella. However, you should be aware that these aren’t as effective as commercial repellents.

You can also purchase “mozzie busting” gadgets that are available as alternatives to topical formulations. They range from wrist bands to smartphone apps.