Home Remedies to Keep Mosquitoes Away

Luckily, there are some home remedies that you can try to repel mosquitoes. These include the use of essential oils and herbs. While they are not all effective, they are sure to make your mosquito problem go away.

The Centers for Disease Control has put together a buying guide for mosquito repellent. The best mosquito repellents will have a chemical that produces chemicals that mosquitoes don’t like.

For example, lemon balm is known to be a good deterrent for mosquitoes. Lemon balm has a strong lemon scent that mosquitoes don’t like. You can plant lemon balm in your yard and apply the leaves to your skin for a repellent.

Grapefruit is another great way to repel mosquitoes. The fruit is packed with antioxidants and vitamin C. It also has a compound called nootkatone that can be used as a pest deterrent.

Another way to keep mosquitoes away is to burn smoke. Citronella oil is an effective way to repel mosquitoes. The scent spreads throughout the air. You can burn an oil burner or use a Cutter Citronella Candle.

Another great way to deter mosquitoes is to plant scented geraniums. Geraniums are known for their strong aromas and they grow well in warmer climates.

The scent of peppermint is also known to repel mosquitoes. You can use peppermint essential oil or even crushed lavender flowers to repel mosquitoes. You can also use lavender oil on a cloth to apply to the bite-sensitive areas of your body.