Do Mosquitoes Give Dogs Heartworms?

Whether a dog is suffering from heartworms is a question that many dog owners have. A dog that is infected with heartworms can develop lung disease and congestive heart failure.

Heartworm disease is caused by a parasite called Dirofilaria immitis. Dogs can be infected by mosquitoes that are carrying these parasites. The American Heartworm Society (AHS) recommends that dogs and cats be protected from heartworms all year round. AHS also recommends that dogs be tested for heartworms annually.

There are several different heartworm preventives available. They are FDA-approved and come in a variety of formulations. You can use them on your dog to prevent heartworms. It is important to make sure you are buying the right product for your pet.

Heartworms are a parasite that lives in a dog’s blood vessels and heart. They can live for five to seven years. They are found in the heart, pulmonary arteries, and lungs. They cause heart impairment and can lead to death.

If a dog is infected with heartworms, it is important to seek treatment immediately. Your veterinarian can diagnose your pet and recommend a treatment plan. It is important to note that many dogs are infected for years before showing symptoms. Dogs that are heavily infected may show signs such as reluctance to move, weight loss, and lethargy.

After a dog is treated for heartworms, it will require complete rest for a few weeks. The dog will also need to avoid exercise for one month.