Do Mosquitoes Eat Gnats?

Several species of flying bugs are similar in appearance, so the answer to the question do mosquitoes eat gnats may not be clear. While both insects have bites, they have different feeding habits.

Mosquitoes are primarily vegetarians. Their favorite food is human blood, but they will also eat animals, reptiles, frogs and fish. They will feed during the day or at night depending on the season. Some species will only feed at night.

Female mosquitoes use antennae, a long, thin proboscis and complex eyes to probe skin for blood. Their saliva contains chemicals that lubricate the area and thin the blood. They are also attracted to unpleasant odors.

Gnats are non-biting midges that are not harmful to humans. Some gnats are beneficial to the environment. However, they can be a nuisance. Many gnats are attracted to moisture to lay eggs.

There are several types of gnats, including biting gnats and eye gnats. Both gnats are a bit smaller than mosquitoes, and they have different body parts. The most common gnat bite is the black fly, which leaves dark, blood-clotted bumps.

Some gnats are not only annoying, but they can carry disease. Other gnats can be beneficial to the environment, and are not as destructive as mosquitoes. They will lay eggs in a variety of places, including animal carcasses, organic material, and damp soil.

Both of these insects are members of the Culicidae superfamily. While gnats are often confused with mosquitoes, they are not as bad as their nemesis.