Do I Need Mosquito Repellent in Greece?

Whether you are traveling to Greece for business or pleasure, you should be aware of the dangers of mosquitoes. These blood sucking insects can carry diseases, and they can bite both day and night.

The best way to protect yourself from mosquitoes is to apply an insect repellent. While many commercial repellents contain DEET, you can also use natural products. Some of these repellents contain tea tree oil, which is effective against mosquitoes and other biting insects.

In addition to mosquito repellent, you should also wear long pants and a hat. They are easy ways to prevent mosquitoes from biting you. You should also take steps to ensure that standing water is kept clear of your yard or porch.

There are also many mosquito-repelling products available in Greece, and you can find them in supermarkets, pharmacies, and souvenir shops. However, you should be careful when selecting a product. You should look for products that are EPA-registered, which means they have been tested for safety.

You should also avoid getting insect repellent in your mouth or on your eyes. If you must, apply it to your wrists or sleeve openings.

If you do not want to use a traditional product, you can make your own by mixing essential oils. Some of the common ingredients include lavender or citronella. You can also try using raw onion or apple cider vinegar to treat your mosquito bites.

If you are visiting Greece during the summer months, you should take precautions to avoid mosquitoes. You should always drink plenty of water, and avoid activities from 11am to 2pm. You should also stay indoors if you feel unsafe.