Can You Kill Mosquitoes With Alcohol?

Several different kinds of alcohol have been found to have a negative effect on mosquitoes. However, there are some alcohol-based solutions that might help you repel the bugs.

A strong drink can actually ease the pain of a mosquito bite. Alcohol can also act as a repellent by increasing the blood flow in your skin.

It is also possible to make a simple but effective insect repellent by mixing rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle. You should be careful though, as rubbing alcohol can stain fabrics.

A good alcohol-based solution is Listerine mouthwash. It can be made with a safe bottle, and you can even add a drop or two of essential oils.

You can use a spray bottle filled with equal parts rubbing alcohol and water. It should be shaken before use.

You can also use a simple alcohol diffuser to spread the fragrance around the house. Vodka is another common alcohol-based solution. It is colorless and odorless, and can be used as a carrier liquid for essential oils.

It is also possible to create a simple mosquito trap using weak alcohol. Inebriated people tend to have more bites than sober ones.

The best way to kill mosquitoes is to stay away from them. If you are going to be spending time outdoors, it is a good idea to dress in light-colored clothing. Loose-fitting clothing makes it harder for bloodsuckers to reach your skin.

A good alcohol-based solution can also ease the itching of a mosquito bite. It has a drying effect, and it also has a small amount of larvicides, which kill the larvae of mosquitoes.