Can Mosquitoes Cause an Allergy?

Having an allergic reaction to mosquitoes can be an uncomfortable experience, but there are steps you can take to prevent or treat the symptoms. If you have a severe allergic reaction, seek emergency medical attention.

Some of the most common signs of an allergic reaction to mosquitoes include itchy throat, swelling, hives, and fever. For more severe reactions, you should visit an allergist, who can administer epinephrine injections. For less severe cases, you can use over-the-counter antihistamines or calamine lotion to relieve itching.

When you have an allergic reaction to mosquitoes, your immune system reacts by producing a chemical called histamine. Hetamine causes your skin to swell and itching. This can also lead to a low-grade fever.

You can help reduce itching and swelling by applying ice to the area. You can also apply rubbing alcohol to reduce your histamine response. Oral antihistamines are also available to control your reaction.

When a person develops a severe allergy to mosquitoes, they may experience anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction. This type of reaction is not common. It can cause swelling in the throat, hives, and difficulty breathing.

In severe cases, swelling can spread to other parts of the body and take over the entire body. You can minimize the pain by putting ibuprofen on the affected area. You can also use topical steroid creams to treat the itching.

A physician can diagnose your allergy with an intradermal test. In this test, your allergist will inject a small amount of your allergen under your skin. It is more sensitive than other types of allergy tests.