How Can Head Lice Turn Into Worms?
The most effective way to get rid of head lice is to treat the infestation as soon as possible. The treatment usually involves using a combination of shampoos and lotions and sometimes decontaminating clothing. The lice themselves are small, white parasites that live on the scalp. They lay three to five eggs per day and can survive for several months without treatment.
Although head lice are unable to fly or jump, they can be spread from one person to another through direct contact. They are also spread through clothing stored together. This includes hats and scarves that are stored in the same locker. Fortunately, they are not spread by household pets.
The easiest way to tell whether you have head lice is to look through your hair closely. If you see nymphs or adults, you have an infestation. However, you must be very careful when searching your hair as lice can move fast. Additionally, you should look for nits near the scalp. If you see nits more than a quarter inch away from the scalp, it is a sign that the infestation is more than two weeks old.
It is essential to treat head lice with the proper medication and follow the instructions carefully. In some cases, it is possible to get worms from head lice. While you should take care to prevent this from happening, it is important to make sure that you do not give your child any antibiotics while they are infected. Fortunately, this condition can be easily treated if you seek out a professional to treat the infestation.