Do Head Lice Come From Animals?
Head lice are an infestation of tiny insects that live on human scalps and feed on the blood of the host. Though highly contagious, they are harmless and do not carry any diseases. The only way to transmit head lice is to touch another person’s head. Head lice do not spread disease, but they are itchy and can be very annoying for kids. You should take steps to get rid of them as early as possible.
There are several different types of lice. Some come from animals, while others are transferred through direct contact. While head lice can live for a short time in an animal, they do not survive outside of the human host. Because of this, the first step in eliminating lice is to clean your home. You should also keep your body and hair clean.
The second step is to wash your pet thoroughly. You should do this in conjunction with washing your child’s pillowcase. Your child’s comb and hairbrush should also be washed. If you find lice on your child’s head, you should use the same washing process for them. Make sure that you wash them in hot water. Although head lice can’t live long off of a human head, they can survive on a pet’s coat or skin, allowing other kids to pick up the bug before it has died.
Another option is to treat the animals your child comes in contact with. Lice will usually hitchhike onto a child’s pet if they play with it. However, the chances of lice staying on a pet are remote. While your child’s pets are a source of lice, you should treat them as a second priority.