Can Head Lice Cause Swollen Lymph Nodes?

Swollen lymph nodes can be a sign of several different health problems. Some of these infections are caused by a bacterial infection, while others are caused by fungal infections, such as ringworm. Generally, these conditions are harmless, but you should visit your doctor if you notice persistent inflammation or open sores. Head lice are particularly problematic because they can spread from person to person and can lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes. It is essential to treat head lice immediately to prevent infection and to prevent swollen lymph nodes.

When head lice are present, you may feel a tickling sensation in your scalp. This is a reaction to the saliva of the lice. Head lice commonly live in areas around the scalp, including the ears and neck. In many cases, children may also experience a moving sensation in their head that is accompanied by itching. If your child is complaining of these symptoms, you should examine his/her scalp and consult a pediatrician or a dermatologist.

Head lice are very common in children. They affect six to twelve million children per year, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Most schools and childcare centers will send you a letter when a fellow student has head lice. If the letter indicates that lice were found at school or in a classroom, you should check your child.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!