Can Head Lice Cause Fever?

Fever is not the only symptom of head lice infestation. Itching is another symptom of lice. The itching is due to the saliva that is produced by the parasites. It can start immediately or take days or weeks depending on the sensitivity of the skin. If you suspect your child is infested with lice, you should conduct a head examination. This can be done by examining the affected area with the naked eye or magnifying glass. The appearance of the lice varies depending on the species that you’re dealing with.

Check your child’s hair and clothing for signs of lice. Then, wash all clothing in hot water and dry on high heat. Avoid using harsh detergents that might lead to allergic reactions. Instead, use non-toxic shampoos and oils. You should also inspect household members for signs of head lice.

Adult head lice are about one-eighth of an inch long, which is the size of a sesame seed. They live for about 30 days on a human’s head. Lice can be spread through close contact, clothing sharing, and sharing personal items. A family member who has head lice increases the chance of getting it, so you should make sure to keep your personal items and clothes away from your child.

People infected with head lice can also have a more serious disease called trench fever. This infection is caused by an intracellular strain of bacteria known as Bartonella. Infection can cause fever, rash, and body aches. Symptoms of this disease include fever, rapid breathing, and body aches. Some people experience nausea and vomiting.

Our top picks for getting rid of lice

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your lice infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!