Why Does Australia Have So Many Flies?

If you’ve ever wondered why Australia has so many flies, you’re not alone. There is an epidemic of flies in the outback of Australia. These little insects are irritating both in cities and in the outback. They buzz around your mouth, face, and ears.

They are an annoyance and a health hazard. They can carry a variety of diseases. In particular, the common housefly can transmit 65 different diseases, making it far more dangerous than the mosquito. Other flies, like the March fly, can also cause diseases. One of the most common diseases spread by Australian flies is Hepatitis A. If flies land on a cut or abrasion, they can transmit the disease.

In urban areas, the number of cockroaches is decreased through the use of insecticides. Another method is to implement better waste management. The CSIRO has introduced imported dung beetles to combat cockroaches. In the south west, flies die off during winter and immigrant flies migrate into the area to breed.

Another way to protect yourself from flies is to wear heavier fabrics. Fly nets are also a good idea as they provide some protection from flies. Fly repellents containing DEET are also an option.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!