Which Plants Get Rid of Flies?

If you are plagued by flies, there are many different plants you can use to repel them. Some are more effective than others. For instance, the oil from peppermint can repel flies. The oil is extracted from the fronds of the plant. It is not harmful to the skin and is available in spray form. You should apply this spray at least once every two hours. Peppermint oil also has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Artemisia is another plant that can be used to repel flies. It has long been associated with medicinal properties, which makes it useful as a plant repellent. It is also edible, so you can plant it near food and it will keep insects away. It can be purchased from a plant nursery or even online.

Basil is another plant that repels flies. It is difficult to grow indoors, but it is an excellent insect deterrent. You can even use the oil of basil to make an insect repellent spray. Basil is a moisture-loving plant, so it requires plenty of water and indirect sunlight.

Mint is also a great plant for repelling insects. It contains a natural compound called mentha, which keeps insects away. It can be grown around the house in pots and near the porch door. It also helps repel kissing bugs. Its leaves can be used as repellents, although a spray is more effective.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!