Where Do Fruit Flies Reproduce?

Fruit flies reproduce by laying eggs inside fruits and vegetables. Fruits that are overripe or rotting are ideal locations. The adult fly will not burrow into unfermented food; instead, it will breach the outer part of the fruit and deposit the eggs inside. Once the larvae hatch, fruit flies will feed on bacteria and yeast in the fruit.

Fruit flies are found worldwide. They thrive on fermented food. They can also breed in trash bins, recycling areas, drains and empty bottles and rags. They can also get into a home through an unscreened window. This is why it is essential to keep fruit flies away from food.

When there is a risk of food poisoning, you should keep fruit flies away from a dirty area. While they may look harmless, they can transmit dangerous germs from one dirty area to another. This can cause food poisoning and can even lead to hospitalization. To prevent this problem, clean up rotting foods and sticky spills as soon as possible. Also, clean empty cans, rags and mops regularly.

Once the larvae have developed, fruit flies reproduce rapidly. One adult female fruit fly can lay over 500 eggs in eight days. When given an ideal environment, a fruit fly will complete its life cycle in as little as a week.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!