When Does a Fly Die?

A simple way to tell when does a fly die is to look for dead flies. Flies are fast creatures that will soon discover the body of another fly. The development time of flies varies depending on species and temperature. Female flies lay eggs in warm, damp places such as garbage or manure. The eggs, which are 1.2 millimeters long, hatch into larvae, which are about three to nine millimeters long. Then, they begin their search for a mate. The process of developing an egg from an egg to an adult takes seven to ten days.

In the fall, flies will move into the attic to seek warmth. By sealing holes, you will prevent them from coming into your home. It is also important to keep dead flies out of the house. Leaving them around can attract other insects, including carpet beetles, which can damage your home.

During cold winter weather, flies go into diapause. This type of hibernation occurs when temperatures drop below 45degF or 7degC. Once the temperature rises, flies resume their normal activity. They will die after four weeks of diapause.

The lifespan of a house fly depends on the species and their environment. Female house flies live for about 25 days and males for about 15 days. This can vary depending on the temperature and food sources. Flies tend to develop faster in warmer weather, but cooler weather can prolong their lifespan. However, they do not live long enough to breed in your house.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!