What Temperature Kills House Flies?

You probably know that the temperature in your house is important to kill house flies. In fact, the temperature can have a big impact on fly development and growth. Flies prefer lower temperatures than higher temperatures. Therefore, the temperature below 45 degrees is very important for them. Once they reach this temperature, they will not be able to survive in the environment.

Flies typically live for 15 to 25 days, but may live up to two months. The temperature they are able to live in is also an important factor. As the temperature decreases, they will begin to hibernate and survive for as long as they can. These adults will remain indoors for up to five or six months, if they are provided with suitable food. When the temperature is below 45degF, they cannot survive and will perish. Moreover, flies can only survive in a cool environment because they have a specialized sensory system.

At 45degF (7degC), flies enter a state of hibernation. This state is called diapause. At this stage, the fly crawls to a safe place and stops moving entirely. The aim of diapause is to conserve energy and keep the fly alive in low temperatures.

Cold temperatures are not a good idea for killing house flies, so the temperature in your house must be between 55 and 60degF. If the temperature falls below this temperature, the flies will have a hard time escaping the cold air. If they do survive, they will hide in a corner of the room, behind a refrigerator, or in an open cupboard.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!