What Month Do Flies Go Away?

Flies are annoying pests that can cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. However, there are simple ways to get rid of them and keep them away. First, you should remove the conditions that attract them. This includes crumbs, spills, and garbage. Dispose of these items in a trash can with a lid. You should also eliminate decaying organic matter, including animal feces and carcasses.

In autumn and winter, cluster flies start to emerge and can become a nuisance. These flies enter buildings through entry points and will seek refuge in a warm, sheltered area. These flies are also known as attic flies. These annoying pests are more likely to bother people if they live in tall buildings.

Houseflies are most active during warm temperatures. They are active from April to October in most areas of the U.S. Their breeding habits allow them to reproduce quickly. In just 15 to 25 days, females lay as many as 500 eggs. These eggs will hatch into full-grown flies within a week. Keeping these insects away from food is vital to prevent them from causing illnesses.

Colder temperatures cause flies to hibernate. During winter, they will not live for more than four weeks. However, if the temperature drops below 32degF, they will die earlier. During hibernation, flies create a natural antifreeze, known as glycol, that can survive freezing temperatures. This process is used by most insects that hibernate outside.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!