What Fly Patterns Are Good For Trout?

Caddis patterns are excellent choices for trout fishing, as they are prevalent in most trout waters. Caddisfly patterns like the Super Pupa fly are especially effective for catching trout because of their lifelike movements and close resemblance to the actual insects.

The Hare’s Ear is an effective nymph pattern, available in sizes 12-18. This pattern is most effective when fished on a 10 foot leader in stained water. A fluttering fly like this attracts trout and has a good amount of flash.

March Brown patterns are particularly effective during the beginning of fishing season, and are the most popular patterns in the Western United States. However, these flies are not always the most attractive patterns. You should tie them in a way that they get to the center of the water column to increase the odds of getting a strike.

Ants are another common food source for trout. Trout can be drawn to ant swarms in the summer when mating swarms of these insects are in full swing. If you want to get your fly in front of a swarm, try using a winged pattern. The Betts Black Ant Fly is an excellent imitation of a natural insect that fish love to feed on.

When it comes to dry flies, the Shuttlecock CDC pattern is a good choice. It’s important to choose the right size of dry flies for the type of water you’ll be fishing in. Larger profile dry flies tend to stand out more than smaller ones and will be easier to break through the surface film.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!