What Can I Use to Kill Lantern Flies?

There are several different methods for killing lantern flies. One effective way is to mix an insecticidal soap solution with apple cider vinegar and spray it on the lanternfly. The mixture will attract the pests and kill them. The soap also contains a natural insecticide, which means it will kill the pests on contact.

A sticky trap made from duct tape can also be used to kill lantern flies. You can purchase them from stores or make one yourself, but you should make sure to keep them away from pets. The sticky traps can be set up around a garden or tree, but make sure to keep them four feet off the ground. The lanternflies will be attracted to the sticky paper and attempt to climb on it. If you are not able to catch the lanternflies, you can remove them by sweeping them up, but you should not crush them. The survivors should be disposed of in a soapy solution to prevent mold.

Another effective way of killing lantern flies is to apply Neem oil. This is a natural pesticide and fungicide that affects the ability of the pests to feed. This will kill the pests and prevent them from coming back. There are many commercial sprays made from Neem oil, and you can make your own by mixing it with liquid soap and water. You can also add essential oils to the mixture to make it more effective.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!