What Can I Use to Catch Fruit Flies?

When it comes to controlling fruit flies, you can get creative or buy a product that does it for you. While DIY traps can be a little frustrating, buying a fruit fly trap from a store is a faster way to keep fruit flies at bay. The first thing you can do to reduce the number of fruit flies in your home is to keep your kitchen clean. Don’t leave food scraps on countertops or in the sink, and make sure you clean out your sink drains regularly.

Dish soap can also be very effective in catching fruit flies. It can be used in a glass jar or other container to trap fruit flies. Simply place a little dish of the mixture in the fruit fly-prone area. Cover it with plastic wrap and secure with a rubber band or toothpick. Fruit flies will get attracted to the smell and get trapped.

Another great way to catch fruit flies is to make a bait trap. Putting rotting food or ripe fruit in a trap will attract fruit flies. If they don’t like the smell of vinegar, you can use a yeasty mixture. Yeast has the same effect on fruit flies as vinegar and will last for up to a week.

Another effective method is to put a small amount of vinegar in a cup or bowl. Be sure not to use white vinegar, but apple cider or red wine vinegar. The vinegar cuts surface tension, causing flies to sink. If you can’t find apple cider vinegar, you can also use white vinegar mixed with sugar. The mixture will work as long as the flies can’t get out of the container.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!