What Can I Plant With Carrots to Prevent Carrot Flies?

One of the best ways to protect carrots from carrot flies is to plant companion plants with them. While some plants will compete for resources and may harm carrots, others are perfect companions. For example, strong-scented alliums are great companion plants to carrots, and their strong scent will deter carrot flies and other garden pests.

Fortunately, there are many effective methods for controlling carrot fly populations in your garden. For example, you can use fine-mesh netting to prevent female flies from finding your carrots. You can also grow carrots alongside alliums and other vegetables that have a strong odor. You can also sow your carrots late in the season, which will help to prevent the first generation of carrot flies. You can also plant marigolds, garlic, or other vegetables that smell strongly of carrots, as they can also help to deter carrot flies.

In some cases, you may be able to salvage carrots by cutting out the damaged root vegetables. However, if you’re growing carrots commercially, you should not attempt to salvage them. This type of damage will often lead to secondary rot or infection. Commercial growers employ traps to detect insects and time their sprays to achieve maximum effect. However, there is no way to completely avoid carrot flies from destroying your crops.

There are many methods to combat the problem of carrot rust flies, but the best way to eliminate the infestation is prevention. Adding companion plants to your garden can not only deter these pests, but they can also enhance the taste of your carrots. Some excellent companion plants include chives, sage, leeks, and onions. Additionally, you can plant legumes in your garden, as these plants also repel the pests.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!