What Can Help With Flies on Dogs?

If you are worried about flies on your dog, it’s important to know how to handle the problem. If the infestation is severe, you should visit your vet for treatment. The removal process is painful and most veterinarians recommend anesthesia. In the meantime, you can prevent an infestation by keeping your homestead clean and sanitary.

Make sure your dog is properly groomed. The hair on your dog can be a breeding ground for flies. Feeding your pup nutritious food is also important. You should also potty train your dog as soon as possible. You can also use natural products to repel flies such as apple cider or essential oils. Keeping your dog inside during the hotter times will also help repel flies. Another helpful remedy is to cover your dog’s water bowls.

Flies will stay away from a clean dog, so bathing your dog regularly can help. You can also try making your own fly repellent using essential oils. Avoid using commercial products as they contain chemicals that can harm your dog. If you can’t afford a professional treatment, you can always make your own fly repellent.

Besides avoiding your dog’s ears, you should also try using fly strike cream, which is designed to kill flies. This product can be purchased from your local feed store or veterinarian. For severe cases, you may also consider using antibiotics. During fly biting, the fly may lay eggs in your dog’s skin, which create a breeding ground for maggots.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!