What Are Flies Attracted To?

Flies like the smell of sweat, which is rich in protein, carbohydrates, salt, and sugar. Researchers believe that this smell attracts flies because they prefer to lay their eggs in a humid environment. Furthermore, flies are attracted to body odors, which may include body odor from sweating.

Some people use repellents to keep flies away. They are most often used for controlling mosquitoes, but they work just as well on flies. Some repellents are active, masking human smells, while others contain DEET, which overwhelms the fly’s senses and prevents it from landing.

Another way to protect yourself from flies is to cover up any wounds that may be present on your body. Flies tend to flock to open wounds, especially those that contain exposed food and water. They can also be attracted to the odors of garbage, dead animals, or rotting food.

Keeping your house clean and odor-free is essential for preventing flies. If you have pets, clean their waste and dispose of it properly. Flies are attracted to the smell of rotting food, so make sure that you don’t leave any in your house. Pets that do not potty train can also attract flies. Taking a shower on a regular basis and using a body deodorant is another way to keep flies away. Avoid leaving your hair long, as the odor around your hair is particularly enticing to flies.

If you see a small number of adult flies on your deck or patio, this indicates there is a breeding site nearby. Flies feed on moisture and crumbs, so make sure to clean up spilled food on the floor. Also, don’t forget to clean up pet food, as it attracts flies to your yard.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!