Insects That Can Eat Clothes

There are a number of insects that can eat clothes, including moths, flies, and carpet beetles. While these bugs can be a nuisance, taking certain precautions will help protect your clothes and prevent them from being destroyed. Here are some ways to avoid these insects and save your expensive clothing.

Moths: Clothes moths lay hundreds of eggs each year. The larvae look like worms, and they feed on wool, flannel, and fur. The larvae can also feed on wood, paper, and sugars. Their larvae will burrow into the fabric and leave a trail of fibers.

Moths: Moths feed on textiles made from vegetable materials, as well as mixed wool and synthetic fabrics. They may also use the textiles to make cocoons. It is important to keep these insects out of your home as much as possible. If you find a textile with an infestation, be sure to wash it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Silverfish: The silverfish is another pest that loves clothing. These tiny insects are attracted to a wide range of food sources, and their mouthparts are very small. They will eat your clothes, and will leave a yellow stain or hole. A few simple steps will prevent these pests from infesting your home.

Carpet beetles and clothes moths are common household pests. Their larvae feed on keratin, a protein found in animal-based materials. They will attack your clothing if they find them appealing. Carpet beetles and clothes moths are pests that can cause serious damage.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!