How to Prevent Flies From Laying Eggs in Your Home
One way to avoid fly infestations is to eliminate the sources of food that attract flies. Flies can lay their eggs in your pet’s food bowls, so be sure to clean it often. If your pets eat fruits and vegetables, store them in the refrigerator to prevent flies from laying their eggs in them. Also, keep produce from going bad because flies love overripe fruits. If you see fly eggs on a piece of produce, throw it away immediately.
Fly eggs are also often found on leftover food. This is because flies are picky about where they lay their eggs, and they try to find the best food sources where their offspring will have a good chance of survival. Those leftovers can include old food that’s been sitting in your refrigerator or small crumbs that are left over from a big meal. These leftovers can be a breeding ground for flies, and they can create generations of flies in a short period of time.
Flies lay their eggs in clusters of four or six eggs in an average batch. The eggs hatch within 12 to 24 hours and hatch into maggots, which look like pale white worms. The larvae then spend eight to ten days feeding on their food source.