How to Get Rid of Maggots

Maggots are tiny, white creatures that resemble worms or caterpillars. They’re very gross, and can be found in groups of hundreds. They move in ways that make them appear to be 10 times bigger than they really are. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of maggots and get them out of your home for good.

Maggots live on dead animals and decaying food. You can find them in pet food, garbage, and rotting fruit and vegetables. They lay their eggs on the dead animal and hatch into maggots in a day or two. Fortunately, you can get rid of maggots by performing a thorough inspection of the affected areas.

Infestations are more likely to occur in warm, tropical climates, and in people with open sores. These open sores are also vulnerable to infections and may increase your risk of contracting HIV and other STDs. Additionally, they provide a home for maggots to breed.

Maggots are also common in wounds and under the skin. To check for them, feel for a hard bump under the skin. Maggots can also eat plant material, so if you notice your plants or vegetables dying without any obvious changes to their environment, you may have a maggot infestation. If you suspect the infestation, you should move around your trash and break open the affected food items.

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