How to Get Rid of Flies Using What Flies Don’t Like

Flies don’t like certain smells, including highly concentrated ones. You can use a disinfectant, such as bleach, to get rid of flies. Alternatively, you can put a few pennies in water to keep them away. This will keep them out of the area where you’re eating outside.

Lavender, lemongrass and mint are popular plants that repel flies. Plant them in pots around your home, or plant them near exterior doors. These plants have a strong, pleasant smell that flies don’t like. In addition, they can act as air fresheners.

Another good way to repel flies is to use an electrical fragrance or a citronella candle. If you don’t want to buy a new scent, you can use an essential oil or a mixture of essential oils. Another option is a natural product called PyGanic, which is made from organic chrysanthemum flowers. Mint contains menthol, which flies find offensive. Dirty or rotting food is a magnet for flies.

Using essential oils on a regular basis can help you get rid of flies. They can also be combined with a natural liquid soap to repel them. You can also try spraying the areas where flies congregate, such as around exterior doors.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!