How Long Do Fruit Flies Live?
Fruit flies have a short life span, but their larvae pose a major problem in farms and orchards. They lay around 400 eggs at a time and hatch into larvae after a few days. These insects then feed on decayed foods, developing into adult flies after about two days.
Adult fruit flies can live anywhere between two and five weeks depending on the conditions inside the establishment. They can also survive as long as 10 days in hot weather. However, in more ideal conditions, the lifespan can reach between 30 and 50 days. Their reproductive rate is fast, so if you notice any signs of infestation in your home or yard, don’t delay your pest control efforts.
To keep fruit flies from breeding in your home, you should keep your kitchen clean and dry. Take out garbage regularly, and use a lidded garbage can. If you have leftover food, put them in a compost bin or freeze them. Wipe down counters and garbage cans regularly. Keep the kitchen as clean as possible for at least a week.
Avoid food that is ripe, as fruit flies love to feed on these. Refrigerate any fruit and vegetables after they are picked. You should also take care to keep open containers of juice and alcohol out of reach.