How Long Do Flies Live Without Food?

Most adult flies live for about fifteen to twenty-five days, and some can survive for as long as two months. Adult flies live longer when provided with suitable food. They also live longer in cooler temperatures. Flies also need food before copulating. The process takes two to fifteen minutes. Female flies also need food to survive. Manure is not a good source of protein for them. Adult flies can reproduce for weeks if they have sufficient food.

Fruit flies usually prefer bananas, apples, squash, and tomatoes. Adult female fruit flies lay up to 2,000 eggs, which hatch within thirty hours. The newly-hatched maggots start feeding on decaying organic matter and grow into adult flies. These flies live about eight to fifteen days, and then lay hundreds of eggs.

The lifespan of a fly depends on the species and the temperature of its habitat. In warm, humid climates, they may live for 15 days, while in cool, dry climates, they can live for more than a month. The most common fly found in homes is the house fly. This insect is about an eighth to a quarter-inch long, with four dark stripes on its body. It makes a distinctive buzzing noise when it is flying.

The lifespan of fruit flies depends on the temperature and the availability of food. A constant temperature of 27 degrees Celsius will allow the egg to hatch in a week, while any temperature outside this range will result in a lifespan of seven days or less. A fruit fly cannot survive more than a week without food or water.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!