How Long Do Drain Flies Live?

Depending on the species, drain flies live anywhere from eight to twenty-four days. During their larval stage, they lay hundreds of eggs. The larvae hatch after 48 hours and survive for approximately eight to twenty-four days. After that, they go through a pupa stage, which can last from twenty to forty hours, and then emerge as adults in about two weeks. Then, they reproduce rapidly.

Drain flies can be found in a wide range of environments. These insects are often found in garbage cans, septic tanks, and floor drains. They feed on decomposing organic matter, gelatinous material, and water. They are not known to carry disease. However, if you see any drain flies in your home, you need to take steps to get rid of them.

The lifespan of drain flies depends on the temperature and climate of the area in which they live. Adult drain flies usually last for a week or so, but they can live up to two weeks if the area is moist and contains decaying organic matter. If you notice a large number of drain flies in your home, you should contact a licensed pest control professional. Licensed pest control professionals can provide you with free estimates and advice.

Drain flies can be controlled by eliminating breeding sites. However, the larvae are difficult to drown. They can survive for days by insulating themselves with air bubbles. This means that a single fly swatter will not do the trick. Insect sprays, on the other hand, are the best way to get rid of these pests. To use insecticides effectively, you need to spray five to eight seconds of liquid per cubic foot of the area.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!