How Do Flies Live in the Winter?

Flies live in a state called diapause during the winter. It occurs whenever the temperature falls below 32degF and can last for several weeks. When the temperature rises, the flies resume normal life. In winter, flies cease all activity, including growth and development. This semi-dormant state can be observed in cluster flies.

It is important to know that flies can make their way into attics and under eaves. In fall, these critters will seek warmth, so if they can find it, seal up those places. It is also a good idea not to leave dead flies lying around in the house.

In order to avoid attracting flies, remove stagnant water and garbage from your home. House flies can breed in p-traps, puddles, and other damp areas. It is also important to clean out and dispose of old food and liquids in your garage.

During the winter, house flies can emerge from hibernation, especially when temperatures are low. They tend to cluster on the warm side of buildings, but when the temperature drops, they crawl in and hibernate until they are warmed up by a source of heat. During the winter, house flies will usually hide in electrical outlets, window pulley holes, and small openings around windows.

While Canadian house flies stay inactive throughout the winter, they become active again during the warmer months. They are usually active for about a month and a half in their larval stage.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!