How Dead Flies Cause Maggots

If you’re worried about maggots in your house, it’s important to clean up dead flies as quickly as possible. To do so, use a pump sprayer, adding Flex 10-10 to half a gallon of water. Once mixed, spray it onto the area where the flies are resting. This includes windows, trash cans, and doorways.

Maggots develop from flies that lay eggs on dead organic matter. The larvae hatch from these eggs, feed on the organic matter, and then pupate into adult flies. The adults can live up to a month and lay hundreds of eggs. When they’re not busy laying eggs, they’re spending most of their time in rotting waste, which can contain a variety of parasites and pathogens.

Maggots and dead animals can cause a foul odor, but you can eliminate the problem. You can spray the area with broadcast sprays and spot treatments. Broadcast sprays are effective at killing maggots and will work safely on carpets, furniture, cement, and other surfaces. Spot treatments are safer to apply to all surfaces.

Maggots and other food spoiled by dead flies are attracted to rotting food and other debris. Flies lay their eggs on these areas, which hatch into maggots within a day. When you see these maggots, you’ll know where they’re gathering.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!