How Cold Can Flies Survive?

When temperatures are cold, flies go into diapause, a period of inactivity. This condition can last for weeks, but once the temperature begins to rise, the flies will resume normal activity. Flies can survive freezing temperatures because their bodies contain antifreeze, a substance that can keep them alive in freezing temperatures. Most insects, including flies, have this chemical in their bodies.

One way that flies adapt to temperature changes is by adjusting their diet. Many insects are sensitive to temperature fluctuations, and adjusting their diets can allow them to survive in extremely cold temperatures. Scientists have been studying the habits of fruit flies to discover how they cope with extreme temperatures.

Insects don’t like cold temperatures, but many species have adapted to cold weather. In order to survive in cold temperatures, most insects burrow underground or under tree bark. This prevents them from freezing and keeps their populations stable. However, in recent years, warmer than average winter temperatures have resulted in increased populations of creepy crawlies. This is because the temperature of the ground is not cold enough for them to hibernate.

Although the cold can kill some types of flies, common house flies can’t tolerate temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Even though this temperature inhibits fruit fly development, it can’t kill larvae and eggs that have developed on fruit. Most female flies prefer breeding areas that are at moderate temperatures, so storing fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator is likely to reduce their population.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!