How Can Fly Patterns Fly in the Rain?
When it comes to fishing in the rain, it is important to use the right flies for the conditions. You want to make sure your fly is able to reach the proper depth to be effective. Fly patterns that are dark in color are ideal. However, you can also try fishing with lighter colors.
During a rainstorm, flies usually seek cover. They may hide under leaves or logs, or dig underground. During heavier downpours, however, they will get knocked off their wings and die. However, some flies have been observed to withstand the raindrops, and they can continue to fly. Scientists believe this is because they are less likely to slow down and are less affected by the raindrops.
Most flies prefer to take cover in small sheltered spots, such as crevices or leaves. However, some very large flies can continue to fly. They may seek shelter under leaves or in crevices in the water. They seek such shelters because they’re protected from the wind. In addition, flies are attracted to light and heat, so they can enter a structure through torn screens or damaged weather stripping.
Many insects sense changes in atmospheric pressure, and they will seek shelter when they see a storm approaching. Some insects, such as Mason Bees, will remain out in light rain, but they take cover when heavy rain or strong winds are approaching. The water will weigh them down and damage their wings, so they’ll seek shelter if they can.