How Bad Are Flies on Food?

Despite their petty appearance, flies can cause a lot of problems. Many of them carry diseases and parasites. If they land on food, they can transmit dangerous fecal bacteria and viruses. A clean kitchen will help reduce the risk of contamination. However, it is not always possible to get rid of flies entirely. You can at least swat them away if you see them.

Besides contaminating the food, flies can also lay their eggs on it. Although the eggs are not visible, they will grow into maggots within a few days. This is not only gross, but it can also lead to a health inspection and a loss of customers.

The length of time that a fly stays on food increases the risk of the spread of harmful viruses and bacteria. If you can swat the fly off your food, you will be able to prevent the transmission of harmful pathogens. If you can’t swat the fly away, the best thing to do is to throw away the food.

While flies are not a serious threat to humans in the first world, the risk of flies on your food is much greater in third-world countries. These flies can carry pathogens from human waste, resulting in potentially fatal diseases. Some of these diseases are cholera, dysentery, and vibriosis. You can prevent the spread of these diseases by following good hygiene practices and sanitation.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!