How Are Flies Getting in the House?

One question to ask is, “How are flies getting in the house?” Fly infestations can occur for several reasons. A common source is moisture. This can be a result of plumbing leaks or condensation from drafts in the home. Flies can also enter the house through small openings in kitchen appliances, such as old coffee grounds in the coffee machine or vents in steamers, toasters, and multicookers. Sometimes people unknowingly introduce flies into their homes.

Another common reason for flies to enter the house is a crack or hole in the window. These openings are often overlooked, but flies can easily slip through. In addition to the obvious reasons, flies may get into the house through a broken window or a torn insect screen.

Flies can also enter the house via small cracks in doors and walls. This is a common source of infestation, particularly in the summer months. The best way to prevent fly infestation is to attack the source outside. This means cleaning up pet mess and tightening garbage bins. Water is also an attraction for flies, so make sure that your pool is chlorinated.

Another possible source of flies in the house is a rotting source. If you have rotten fruit or vegetables around your home, you’re likely to attract flies. You should also deal with rotting garbage cans. Not only will this help you get rid of flies, it will also help keep raccoons and rats out of your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!