How Are Flies Getting in My Apartment?

There are several ways to control flies, and the best ones depend on the type you have. Knowing what type of flies you have and what season they are most active will help you determine the best ways to deal with the problem. There is no single method that will completely eliminate all types of flies, but following these tips should help you alleviate the problem and keep it from getting worse.

Flies can enter an apartment through a variety of openings, including gaps and cracks. The flies can fly through these gaps to enter your home and find food. You may have even accidentally brought them inside by opening your door or vent. Once inside, they’ll spend about two to four weeks living in your home.

The first step to take to get rid of flies in your apartment is to check the source of the infestation. If you have rotting fruit or vegetables on your windowsill or in a nearby trash can, the flies may be coming from there. Cleaning up the rotting items is also a good way to keep flies away.

Avoid keeping a lot of food on your counter. Fruit flies are attracted to food waste, so make sure that you throw out anything that is over-ripe. Food with liquids on it is also attracted to them. Remove any food that contains sticky liquid, and you’ll have a much healthier space to live in.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!