Great Reasons to Eat Crane Flies

Crane flies are commonly regarded as huge, blood-sucking mosquitoes, but the truth is that they are harmless to humans. In fact, crane flies are actually beneficial to people, as they feed on mosquito larvae. As adults, crane flies are mainly a nuisance and do not bite or sting.

Although adult crane flies do not pose a direct threat to humans, their larvae can damage plants and attract animals. If you are worried about crane fly larvae damaging your garden or lawn, consider treating it with an all-natural insecticide. While this may not be an immediate fix, it is a good idea to take the first steps to prevent an infestation. By following these steps, you can keep your lawn clean and free of debris. This will eliminate breeding sites for adults.

Another great reason to eat a crane fly is its habitat and ability to control mosquito population. Mosquitoes are dangerous to humans because they feed on human blood. By eating the larvae of mosquitoes, you can actually help control the mosquito population. This way, you can avoid mosquito bites without having to worry about harming other animals.

Crane flies lay their eggs in moist soil. After hatching, the larvae stay underground until late summer. During that time, the larvae feed on the roots of plants. This can cause an entire patch of grass to die off. Luckily, the adult crane fly doesn’t bite humans or hurt livestock. But the larvae are a nuisance to lawns, as they can consume the roots and shoots of the grass.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!