Can You Eat Food That Has Flies on It?

When a fly lands on your food, you’re likely to immediately begin to feel apprehensive. While a quick landing on your food is nothing to be afraid of, a swarm of wriggling bodies can be horrifying. The good news is that the bacteria that flies harbor are killed by cooking. The question of can you eat food that has fly on it is a complex one that depends on several factors.

While flies may appear harmless on the surface of your food, they can harbor a range of disease-causing organisms. Some of these organisms are potentially life-threatening, and may even carry human pathogens. While most flies found in first-world countries are harmless, in areas where there are flies a common problem, they can be deadly.

The longer that a fly stays on your food, the greater the risk of it being contaminated with bacteria and viruses. To minimize the risk of acquiring these pathogens, you should try to avoid eating the contaminated food. If you can’t stand the idea of eating food with flies on it, you should throw it away instead.

Flies can carry over 100 different pathogens. They spend much of their time in garbage, animal waste, and other areas where they may have picked up bacteria. Their saliva may contain these pathogens, which transfer to surfaces. Also, flies defecate often and can lay their eggs on food.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!